Upcoming Events in Melbourne
Pre-Booking Psychic Readings or Reiki Treatment.
Phone: 0415558425
Bulla Market
Date: 16th February
Green Rd Bulla
9am - 3pm
I am inside the building.
Bulla Market
Date: 16th March
Green Rd Bulla
9am - 3pm
I am inside the building.
Healing Courses Dates.
Reiki I Course
Date: t.B.A
Time: 10am - 3:30pm
No pre-requisite
Reiki II Course Dates
Date: TBA
Time: 10am - 4:00pm
Seichim Practitioner & Master level Course.
Date: TBA
10am - 4pm
Prerequisite: Reiki 2
Contact Doreen info@sunzmoonz.com
Reiki Master Course
Date: TBA
Pre-requisite: Reiki I and Reiki II
If you are interested in a Course and come with a friend or partner a date can be worked out that suits us both.
New Age Courses.
Tarot Course.
Morning: 10am - 11:30pm
Afternoon: 1pm - 2:30pm
Evenings: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Cost: $50.00 per lesson
Numerology Course
Morning: 10am - 11:30pm
Afternoon: 1pm - 2:30pm
Evenings: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Cost: $50.00 per lesson
IntuitiveTarot Workshop
Date: TBA
Time: 10am - 4pm
Numerology Workshop
Date: TBA
Time: 10am - 3:00pm
Crystal Workshop
Time: 10am - 4:00pm
Angel Workshop.
Date: T.B.A
Time: 10am - 3.00pm
Bookings are Essential for all courses
Doreen Van Boxtel
Psychic, Healer, Tarot, Numerologist, Teacher, Melbourne